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Unveiling Wisdom: A Journey Within


This week has been a deep dive into the essence of the direct path to the self – a notion that we are, in fact, all there is. As a certified Reality-Transurfing coach and devoted student of various mystical traditions such as Advaita Vidanta and Sri Vidya, I’ve reached a realization: all paths converge towards a singular truth – that the universe unfolds perfectly, teaching us that we hold the entire cosmos within.

Today’s Intense Revelation

Today, I bring you a teaching that’s potent in its simplicity and may require multiple reads to fully absorb at various stages of consciousness. While it’s not uncommon to look outside for guidance, the Vedic scriptures teach us about the ‘Gyani’, the enlightened one, who understands that they themselves are their ultimate teacher.

We are the universe. We contain the entire universe within the self.


The Gyani: Discovering the Teacher Within

A ‘Gyani’ has recognized that throughout their life, they’ve manifested external teachers as catalysts for awakening to their inherent wisdom. In this realization, we acknowledge that the external world simply mirrors our internal state – all is self.

The Vedic scriptures emphasize the following qualities of a Gyani:

Serene mind: A calm and peaceful inner state.
Fearlessness: Freedom from fear.
Celibacy: Dedication to self-control and purity.
Meditation on God: Focusing the mind on the divine

Now, let us delve into the sublime teaching that has been echoed through time: The Supremacy of Silence

Often overlooked, the highest spiritual teaching is not found in sacred texts or verbose lectures, but in the sanctity of silence. Imagine sitting with a sage; your questions disintegrate, the mind is purified, and the silence speaks volumes.



Silence is not mere absence of sound; it’s a profound journey into the depths of self where time and space dissolve into nothingness, a realm where your innate power and unconditional love reside.

True understanding lies beyond the confines of language. It resides in the unspoken spaces where the heart connects with the universe.

Silence is not emptiness; it is pregnant with meaning. In silence, we encounter the essence of existence—the unmanifested, the formless.
When we sit in silence, we step away from the noise of the world, allowing our inner wisdom to emerge. It is in this stillness that we touch the eternal.

By simply being in the presence of a wise sage—a master who has transcended the limitations of the material world, we feel how their very being radiates tranquility and insight. Thus, in their company, our questions lose their urgency. The sage’s silence becomes a mirror, reflecting our own inner landscape.

Your Ohm, Sweet Ohm

The sage’s silence dismantles the mental constructs that bind us. We realize that the answers we seek lie beyond the intellect. In this haven of quietude, there are no polarities of good or bad, only the neutrality of being—pure existence, akin to the peace inside the womb.

The mind, often cluttered with doubts, desires, and fears, finds clarity in silence. Like a crystal-clear pool, it reflects truth without distortion. In the sage’s presence, the mind undergoes a subtle purification. Layers of conditioning peel away, revealing the pristine awareness within.

Paradoxically, silence communicates more than words ever could. It carries the weight of centuries, the wisdom of ages. This silence, as we allow it to permeate us, is pregnant with teachings—an invitation to explore our own depths, to listen to the whispers of the cosmos. In summary, the sanctity of silence is a gateway to the divine. It is where the seeker dissolves into the vastness, and the sage becomes a living scripture.


The Metaphor of the Clay Pot

Consider an empty clay pot, defined by the space within and around it. The space inside is no different from the space outside. Upon breaking, the spaces unite into indistinguishable vastness. Similarly, we are predominantly empty space; the body is our clay pot.

As we transcend the illusion of bodily consciousness, the self within merges seamlessly with the self outside – illustrating the unity of Atma (self) and Brahman (Universal Consciousness). In such a state, we attain Moksha or Nirvana, a liberation that reveals we are eternally one with Source.

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The Quest for Liberation

The pursuit of liberation from the manifested world can only be actualized through silence. Recognizing that the world is a creation of our minds, we peel away thoughts until we are left with the essential ‘I’. This inquiry leads us back to the ultimate reality.

Self-Realization Principles

Here are four fundamental principles on this path to self-realization:

  1. All is Self: Recognize that everything you perceive sprung from your mind.
  2. Existence Is Eternal: You will always exist; your true nature is Sat-Chit-Ananda (Truth-Consciousness-Bliss).
  3. Understanding of Egolessness: All things are egoless, and you are part of everything.
  4. Understanding Self Realization: It can’t be learned; it must be experienced directly.

Each item, from the microcosm to the macrocosm, is graced with meaning through your perception.

This exploration bears the fruit of understanding that by emptying yourself, you become one with the infinite Source.

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Integrating Wisdom

I invite you to revisit these teachings, on my Youtube channel, to meditate on them, to let them sink in. Whether you gaze at the sky or into your own eyes, contemplate until you recognize that only consciousness exists.

Having your spiritual progression in mind, I have summarized in a 10’week course I recently compiled on the Leela game of Snakes and Arrows. If you found this blog post useful to you and want to learn more, you can find more information on this course here:

Leela is an ancient game charting the soul’s path towards reunion with the absolute of cosmic consciousness. The game is a Hindu game designed by yogis in India as a tool for inner standing the relationship of the individual self with the Absolute self.

By embracing these teachings and reflecting upon them regularly, you are peeling back the layers to reveal your authentic self—the eternal consciousness that forms the fabric of the universe. Stay tuned for more wisdom, and until next time, bask in the serenity of knowing that all is indeed well.

Please feel free to share these insights with those who resonate, and thank you, for you are an integral part of this collective awakening.

Nivah course lp

Hi, I’m Niva Shah and I am a Licensed and Authorized Reality-Transurfing Coach on a mission to fulfil your purpose of the WHO AM I, in genuine, authentic, self mastery and empowerment mentoring, so you too can fly freely and claim your birthright, because you matter in your own uniqueness.

As a creative self mastery alchemist, I’ve built self-expression and leadership courses that you can find here, by road mapping your self-empowerment and freedom of being to be in line with your authentic and intimate connection with your soul.

You can also reach me for personalized Energy Transmissions and Guided Breathwork Sessions. Schedule your appointment with me here.




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