
Unlocking The Divine Within May


Greetings beloved reader! In this post, we’re diving into the energies that everyone will be experiencing in the month of May and what to do to better navigate them. We’ll be using the universal month number in numerology and my own intuitive transmissions to uncover what’s in store for us. So, please make sure to read until the end because if you clicked on this post, there’s definitely a message here for you. After all, there are no coincidences!

But remember, take whatever resonates with you and leave the rest behind.

May: A Universal 13/4 Month

In numerology, May is a universal four month, and more specifically, a 13/4 month. Here’s how we get there: May is the fifth month of the year, and we’re in an eight universal year. When we add five and eight together, we get 13.

So, what does a 13/4 month mean? Well, here’s the main message I’m getting from my intuitive transmissions: This is going to be a month where a lot of you learn how to work smarter instead of harder. There may be an event or something that happens that teaches you that you don’t actually have to put in as much effort as you think, to manifest what you want.

I’m being shown that many of you have been working really, really hard to achieve something. You’ve been putting in a ton of effort and worry towards a goal. This could be something you’ve been working towards for a long time, or for some of you, it’s a newer thing. But regardless, there’s been a sense of struggle.

On the flip side, I’m also being shown that for some of you, there’s something you want to do or achieve, but you haven’t actually started yet because you know it’s going to be a lot of hard work. You can already sense the effort and potential struggle involved.

Learning to Work Smarter, Not Harder

So, what’s going to happen this month? Well, I don’t actually usually do predictions, I just express about my own feelings, visions and recognition of universal patterns. It’s been made clear to me something that I wish now to share with the world. There might be some sort of circumstance or event that teaches many of us that we don’t actually have to work as hard as we think we do. Please kind in mind I’m not promoting or rewarding laziness here either, but you don’t have to struggle or put in a ton of effort, which is probably the main thought that is holding you from even starting!

There are ways to make things happen in an easier, more effortless way and the energies for this month are simply open and in acceptance of this.

There’s going to be some great learning towards what it is that you are trying to achieve. How can you make it happen a lot faster? How can you find the loopholes to do things in a smart way and not make it so difficult for yourself?

I’m being shown that a lot of you are making things a lot more difficult than they need to be. In your mind, you’ve made it out to be so much harder, but it’s actually a lot simpler than you think. And when you start, it’s going to naturally click for a lot of you this month, and you will smile, thinking that you got this!

Four is a very simple, humble energy. It’s all about getting back to basics and finding straightforward solutions.

Other Themes for May

In addition to learning to work smarter, I’m being shown a few other themes that may come up for some of you this month:

  • Paying off debt and making progress towards financial goals
  • Creating a budget or financial plan to get everything in order
  • Buying a house
  • Starting a business


Remember, we’ve got a four universal month in an eight universal year. These are both energies associated with business, money, and finance too!

Because of this, it is now easier and possible for some of you to bring in more stability this month. If there’s an area of your life that’s felt unstable, there could be some things that come in to help solidify your security.

However, for others, there could be some limitations or restrictions that come up that you have to deal with and figure out how to overcome. Whenever we have a karmic debt number like 13/4, there are usually lessons to be learned. These could be personal lessons or collective lessons that play out on the world stage.

I’m being shown that we could see some issues happening in the world, like limitations being put on financial institutions, our power, or us, by people in power. But even if it seems like restrictions, it’s really just a lesson being played out. Always remember that every cloud has a silver lining. What is the quality of the life you wish to lead?

I’m also seeing more truths being revealed about things that have been hidden from us, similar to what we saw in March, the master 11 month. 11 is a number of illumination and awareness, so a lot came to light. With four being a very honest, direct energy, we could see more of that happening in May too.

The Call To Discipline

There is a reason why I wrote previously that I didn’t want to reward laziness…The word “discipline” stems from the concept of being a devoted disciple to something greater than our human existence. After all, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. It is a call to open our hearts and minds to the infinite possibilities that lie beyond our perceived reality.

Our thoughts have an energy which contains a real connection. And at the end of the day, this energy to tune into your real self is only a thought away.

Throughout the endless cycles of reincarnations within parallel universes of different frequencies, we have tapped into the blemished parts of ourselves. However, as we connect more with our supreme essence, our God consciousness of beingness, we begin to embody more and more of that soul essence of love and light within the self.

One of the most natural things for a human being to do is to remember. Can you remember the sacred space within yourself through your mind as simply as a thought? Imagine an intellectual connection, a thread of high vibration, a subtle thread that connects you to your higher consciousness self, your own beloved, your own lover of unconditional love.

When you find yourself struggling, stressed, or worried, ask yourself, “What am I plugging myself into now? Where have I taken myself away from this thread of being in the moment?” Tune into this vibrational energy and tap into your subtle thread of connection to your supreme self, your source connection, your healing light of self-remembrance, self-respect, and self-empowerment of light. Can you taste this like a soul love?

The best time to tap into this God frequency is in the early hours of the morning, between 4 and 5 AM. Allow yourself to be within that perfect love, that clear consciousness and wisdom, and sit with it. Sit with this light and allow all of your blocks from within to dissolve into that light. Permit this light to change you so that you start to change your outer reality. And then you will see, how direct and simple things can be.

Extra Guidance

A lot of you tend to absorb other people’s energies. This is common for healers, psychics, mediums, artists, and other sensitive people. The key message is that you’ll benefit from a spiritual cleansing afterwards. You may feel less inclined to connect with certain people or work on certain ideas, even if they seem important. This means you’re freeing yourself from others’ input and discerning your own heart’s true priorities.

To accept a spiritual cleansing right now, just ask God, or the Universe, or your guardians, and it will happen. Trust in the process.

Allow this energy to encompass you from within and without, like a warm blanket filling all the cells of your body, inside and out. Feel its warmth, smell its sweet fragrance. Taste it, touch it, hear it. And let it fill your inner world and your outer world, for this is your soul conscious state, greeting you with divinity through your mind’s eye. It is your gemstone of light, of supreme, unlimited source love, and it is the most powerful essence you will ever feel.

This is also going to be a month for getting focused. Four is a very focused energy, all about lasering in on what exactly you want and decluttering to make it a priority. By decluttering your energy field, you’re focusing on the energies that need to be present and removing the ones that don’t.

Focus on this gorgeous absorption going through your mind as it merges in a tantric union like a divine love affair, fully as unconditional love, radiating right through to the core of each cell of your beingness. Allow it to heal you from head to toe. Allow it to caress you, to fill you with this pure, pure love in its stillness, in its silence, like a sweet perfume spraying every cell of your being. And as it touches each cell, each cell starts to radiate out a loving, still, silence.

For those of us who there’s something we’re not being completely honest with ourselves about, it’s a time to proclaim your truth out loud and be willing to be transparent, honest, and open in your communication with others and yourself. Surrender to what is.

Sit quietly with it, reconnect with your true self, with your divine connection, and allow the blossoming of the flower of your soul to happen from within a higher plane of consciousness as you fill your inner self with your love light connection to Truth.

Is there something you’re looking at with rose-colored glasses? Something you’re not fully being honest with yourself about? Are you still tied to an illusion about something?

Peel off all the layers of denial that keep you tied to an illusion. By doing this, it will set you free. Take off the rose-colored glasses, see something for what it really is, and then miracles can happen because something more authentic can finally come in, always with unconditional love.

Wrapping Up

I invite you to do this every morning: give yourself ten to fifteen minutes of time to experience yourself with this love. Have no expectations, just be with it and see how it changes the rest of your day as you have filled yourself up from within, right down to the core of your beingness in a simple self-remembrance of your soul consciousness. This is who you truly are – a spiritual being. Allow yourself to unlock the divine within.

I hope this message resonated with you! Let me know in the comments if it did and what you hope will happen for you in the month of May. I would love to read about your intuition too! And if you liked this post, please don’t forget to share it with others.

Dear reader, if you reached this final part, I’m very grateful, thank you very much. How about you, what is that new creation you’ve been planning up to start for some years now?

Remember, there are no coincidences. If you found your way to this post, there’s a message here for you. Trust what resonates and leave the rest.

Wishing you a magical May full of working smarter, stability, truth, and spiritual protection. Until next time!


Niva Shah - artofinnerjoy

Hi, I’m Niva Shah and I am a Licensed and Authorized Reality-Transurfing Coach on a mission to fulfil your purpose of the WHO AM I, in genuine, authentic, self mastery and empowerment mentoring, so you too can fly freely and claim your birthright, because you matter in your own uniqueness.

As a creative self mastery alchemist, I’ve built self-expression and leadership courses that you can find here, by road mapping your self-empowerment and freedom of being to be in line with your authentic and intimate connection with your soul.

You can also reach me for personalized Energy Transmissions and Guided Breathwork Sessions. Schedule your appointment with me here.



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