positive affirmations

The Thought Swapping Technique

I’d like to do a little teaching of how to break free from any negative thoughts instantly, because it’s sometimes very easy just to get caught up in this whole roller coaster wave of loop of negative thoughts happening around us and this can be from the external reality and from our inner negative self-talk. And then you start to judge and project onto others what’s going on within the self of worry, fear, doubt and all sorts of negative realities that seem to pop up and it’s very easy to fall into this low vibrational place and feel that we’re just on this internal loop of not being able to really escape the feelings and the emotions that come up through the thoughts.

Our minds do like to take over and make us feel as if we’ve lost control almost like a wave that takes over and the more we start to focus on negative thoughts the longer we stay in these thought patterns, the more we lower our vibrational frequency and it becomes a loop-de-loop of getting lower and lower and lower in our vibrational frequency and energy. And if you didn’t already know your personal vibration is the number one thing that dictates what you actually manifest in your life – as within so without. Inside out first is key. And so it makes sense that when we get stuck onto these low vibrational places of focusing on what we do not want we do tend to manifest even more things in alignment with that particular energy basically more of what you do not want. Because what you feed manifests. If you want to learn more about how you can raise your own personal vibration to manifest a life you love you have to find yourself sometimes in that loop of bad vibes from time to time so that you know what you do not want.

So I will go now into sharing a simple solution that can not only help you to feel better but also change your reality, change your future and I’ve been using this very simple yet magical tool to help me immediately switch out of any negative self thoughts into positive ones in an instant. One that can make you feel good and raise your vibrational frequency instantly and this is like plugging into an energy amplifier. It is a tool that instantly helps you to shutdown the negative thoughts to start to feel better and raise your personal vibration, and this is the key to manifesting a life that you love.

So this magical technique is called Thought Swapping. You can either say an affirmation use a tool say a mantra to change how you’re feeling whether you’ve heard of affirmations or not, this is a little different than reading off a list of the so-called positive affirmations and here is how you practice this technique when you find yourself stuck in a negative thought loop that you want to break free of, I want you to say a positive affirmation out loudly and immediately swap your focus and your thought pattern. The affirmation that you say should equal the exact opposite of the theme of your negative thought pattern so when you speak this affirmation out loudly you’re pulling the energy back on over your active mind and throwing that energy off its course you’re basically breaking the loop of negativity and forcing your thoughts to go in another direction a direction that aligns with the person you want or you intend to become and the life you want to create.

With this instant change in your thought and your focus you will notice that you begin to feel better instantly because of what you’re telling yourself and this is simply because your thoughts are one of the main things that really create how you feel. Thought stimulates an emotion, an emotion creates a feeling, a feeling creates energy waves that create your reality so when you’re using this thought swapping technique you’re simply breaking the cycle of feeling bad and reaching for a better feeling which is then creating higher vibrational emotional waves of energy which then change your reality. And you may even begin to see almost instantaneously manifestations showing up as a result of this change in your energy.

So examples of thought swapping via affirmation is if you’re worrying if you’ll have say enough money today to pay a certain bill, stop your lack mindset in its tracks and declare an affirmation like “I have more than enough money, the universe always provides for me, my world is looking after me, I am being taken care of, all is well in my world, just for today I have enough.

As a result you will begin to feel better, you will reach for a higher vibration because of this change in energy and you will be taken care of and may discover money coming and falling onto your lap from any unexpected source. If you’re feeling unhappy with yourself, of how you look for example, stop that negative self-talk immediately and say an affirmation – “I love myself just the way I am. I am beautiful, I love and accept myself. I am enough.” And as a result you will begin to feel better and will easily find more things to love about yourself start looking at parts of your body and love them up you may also manifest things in alignment with your efforts to change your vibration like receiving random compliments and seeing actually positive changes in your appearance.

Change your self-talk to change your reality. If you’re stuck in a thought loop of focusing on things like I will never be successful oh this is so hard. Stop it. Your mind is lying to you simply override that negative self-talk with a positive affirmation – I am capable of success. Success is my birthright. I can be done and have anything I put my mind to, my world is looking after me. All is well in my world. As a result you will notice that you begin to start to feel more empowered, you start a new train of thought, one that aligns with your highest version of you and the life that you wish to create for yourself.

Simply go on repeating this process and if after practicing this thought swapping technique you still feel a bit off and your thoughts still feel out of alignment, do not give up keep going in the knowing that you are not your mind, you are not your thoughts, you are the light behind your mind, you are the observer of your thoughts just like clouds passing in the sky, you are the sky, you are not those clouds, you are not your thoughts and emotions you’re much bigger than that and so I want you to observe this inner chatter box that’s going on in your head and realize and know that the negative things and thoughts are not the truth. Keep affirming positive things to yourself and keep doing your best to focus your thoughts and your energy only on the good that you wish to receive in your life.

You and only you hold the power within you to change the course of your life in any each and one moment. Meditation is a great tool for learning to keep your overactive mind and unwanted thoughts at bay, just simply try adding five to ten minutes of a daily meditation into your morning ritual even when you’re jumping into the shower in the morning imagine the water coming over you like golden light sweeping all over your body and you can then use those 10 minutes in the shower to say magical affirmations to yourself. Lastly each time your mind falls back into focusing on things that you do not want just swap your thoughts immediately by saying the affirmations out loud. Feel them, witness the shift in energy when you do so. For more information, for more affirmations for very specialized sacred mantras please do book yourself a discovery call with me where I can talk to you about your specific needs and I can create a program of coaching and mentoring just personalized for you.


Niva Shah


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