The Awakening: A Journey into Reality Transurfing


Greetings beloved,

In this blog post I want to call upon a concept that stems from Reality Transurfing, which unlike traditional manifestation techniques, emphasizes the importance of aligning with the natural flow of the universe rather than forcing outcomes.

In my latest online course – NIIIVAA’s Transurfing, I bridge the multidimensional framework of Reality Transurfing, the spiritual wisdom of the East and the pragmatic approach of the Western, adding my own personal insights from all my life experiences. As a certified Reality Transurfing Coach, this is how I can introduce this concept to you:

“In the dance of existence, we are both choreographers and dancers. Reality Transurfing invites us to step beyond the veil of illusion and recognize our innate power. As we merge Eastern wisdom—such as mindfulness, meditation, and energy alignment—with Western growth strategies, we unlock a harmonious path to manifesting our desires.”


Reality Transurfing Concept Number One: Awakening

In the vast landscape of spiritual teachings, there exists a fascinating body of wisdom known as Reality Transurfing. This powerful approach to shaping our reality transcends traditional paradigms and invites us to explore the depths of our consciousness.

Pioneered by the Russian quantum physicist and esotericist Vadim Zeland, is a multidimensional framework that challenges our conventional understanding of reality. It merges elements of quantum physics, psychology, and metaphysics to empower individuals in creating their desired life experiences.

At its core, Reality Transurfing posits that we exist within an infinite field of possibilities—a vast Space of Variations. Each decision we make, every thought we entertain, and every emotion we experience creates ripples within this space. By becoming conscious co-creators, we can navigate these variations and shift our reality toward the desired outcomes.

Life Is But a Dream

Are you awake? Are you aware? Wake up right now and become conscious of yourself. Remember, everyone is in a dream, and everything around is just that – a dream.

“Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.”

But did you know that this dream has no power over you anymore? Why? Because you woke up. You are now able to influence the course of events. How? Because you’re aware. The advantage lies simply in your awareness of being aware.

The Awakening represents a pivotal moment in anyone’s life journey. It’s the instant when an individual realizes that they are more than a passive observer in their own life. Let’s explore what this awakening entails:

  1. Awareness of the Dream: Imagine waking up from a dream within a dream. The Awakening is akin to this realization. We recognize that life, as we perceive it, is a dream—a projection of our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions. Just as lucid dreamers gain control over their dream scenarios, we gain control over our waking reality.
  2. Breaking Free from Conditioning: The Awakening liberates us from societal conditioning, limiting beliefs, and the illusion of external control. We cease to be mere actors following scripted roles. Instead, we step into the role of conscious directors, shaping our destiny.
  3. Accessing the Observer State: In Reality Transurfing, the Observer State is crucial. It’s the vantage point from which we detach from emotional reactions and observe events objectively. The Awakening allows us to step into this state effortlessly, witnessing life’s unfolding without unnecessary attachment.
  4. Influence and Intention: Armed with awareness, we realize that our thoughts and intentions hold immense power. We become deliberate creators, consciously selecting the variations we wish to experience. The Awakening empowers us to influence the fabric of reality itself.

Are you able to feel that power within you? Let me tell you something. That power has always been with you… Can you remember it? Wake up now! Everything will be as you want it to be once you are awake.

The Power of Being Awake

Your birth in this life also represents a new awakening after a series of past incarnations – dreams about different realities in parallel versions of yourself! From the moment you appeared into this world, you have had some amazing abilities:

  • Hearing the rustling of morning stars
  • Seeing auras
  • Telepathy
  • Communicating with insects, birds, and animals

The entire world was an astonishing extravaganza of luminous energy, and you were the magician capable of controlling it.

Falling Asleep: The Journey into Amnesia

Guess what happened? You fell asleep.

Under the influence of others, you were plunged into a dream where dreamers constantly and intentionally focused your attention on the physical reality – the physical aspect of you. As a result, your magical abilities were all lost, and you fell into a deep, deep amnesia.

Now let me ask you something: Have you ever felt as if life were a dream where reality was controlling you rather than you being in control of reality? The time has come to reclaim your former power.

How To Reclaim Your Power

Don’t you sometimes think that your life has just passed you by like a dream? Wake up. Make it a priority today to stay awake and aware. The time of tearing the veil as arrived.

Realize that your life is a game – a game that was imposed onto you. While deep in it, you’re not capable of objectively assessing situations or influencing the course of events. First, you have to go to the spectator seat. Look around you with a clear mind and say:

“At this point, I do not sleep. I am awake. I am aware.”

Wherever you are and whatever happens to you, you need to remember why: because you are awake and aware. Then, all you have to do is climb back onto your stage and continue to play while observing the events happening in your life.

Now, you have a huge advantage. What is that advantage? The awareness that allows you to control the game. When you’re asleep, you are at the mercy of circumstances because your mind is dormant and accepts everything at face value as if it were meant to be!

In a waking state, you might tend to think that reality exists independently and that you’re powerless to influence it. But this isn’t true. You have mostly resigned yourself to your lot – the set of capabilities given to you and the conditions of the environment in which you live.

To change this, start by becoming aware that reality is a dream. Only in a conscious dream can you really control the situation.

On Stage: Playing Your Role

On stage, everyone has their role to play, and everyone somehow interacts with you, expects something from you, imposes something onto you, asks or requires something, helps you, or hinders you. They love you or hate you.

But now, can you watch this consciously? Can you watch this game from the observer’s point of view?

Yes, you can. Become the observer, and then you will understand everything. Why? Because you have the power to be awake.

“Do not be at the mercy of circumstances because the rational mind sleeps and accepts everything at face value.”

Waking life is pretty much the same. You might think that reality exists independently and that you are powerless to influence it. But you are mostly resigned with your life, only making weak attempts to assert your rights from time to time.


Niva Shah’s Perspective: Merging East and West

As a former student and now certified teacher of Reality Transurfing, there is so much more that I go over on my online course. I take all my participants on an inner journey, drawing from ancient Eastern spiritual traditions and Western growth practices. I guide seekers toward awakening their latent potential.

I invite you to awaken from the collective dream and embrace your role as conscious creator. You see, The Awakening is not a one-time event; it’s a continuous process of self-awareness and intentional living. When you sing up to my course, as it unfolds, you will embark on a journey toward your desired reality—one branch at a time.


Why NIIIVAA’s Transurfing Course Matters:

  1. Holistic Approach: Niva’s teachings blend the timeless wisdom of India’s yogic traditions with practical Western techniques. She emphasizes meditation, mindfulness, and energy management.
  2. Quantum Insights: Niva dives into the quantum aspects of Reality Transurfing, helping students understand the interplay between thoughts, emotions, and outcomes.
  3. Practical Exercises: Participants learn how to shift their focus, reframe beliefs, and consciously create their reality. Niva’s course isn’t theoretical—it’s experiential, with personal one-on-one guidance through Zoom meetings.


Sign up to my NIIIVAA’s Transurfing Course here!



The Awakening is not a one-time event; it’s a continuous process of self-discovery and empowerment. As we embrace Reality Transurfing, we awaken to our true potential—the architects of our reality.

Remember: you are the dreamer. Now, awaken and shape your dream with purpose and intention. The journey of Reality Transurfing begins with awakening. By becoming aware of your own consciousness, you have the power to influence your reality. Your life is a game, and by stepping back and observing, you reclaim your power to control your fate.

Continue exploring the principles of Reality Transurfing in my online course to unlock more secrets of awareness and life mastery.


Niva Shah - artofinnerjoy

Hi, I’m Niva Shah and I am a Licensed and Authorized Reality-Transurfing Coach on a mission to fulfil your purpose of the WHO AM I, in genuine, authentic, self mastery and empowerment mentoring, so you too can fly freely and claim your birthright, because you matter in your own uniqueness.

As a creative self mastery alchemist, I’ve built self-expression and leadership courses that you can find here, by road mapping your self-empowerment and freedom of being to be in line with your authentic and intimate connection with your soul.

You can also reach me for personalized Energy Transmissions and Guided Breathwork Sessions. Schedule your appointment with me here.



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