Hello my dear readers, in this blog post I want to shed a light on a topic that is very intrinsic to the nature of our universe and consequently the spiritual realms. It’s something that I’ve also dedicated countless hours of my life with great passion to unravel its mysteries and express them as an art form – Mandalas!
They are intricate circular designs rich with spiritual and artistic significance, and have captivated people across cultures for centuries as they try to discover more of the universal language and sacred geometry embedded in mandalas. The images and videos below are some of the many mandalas I’ve created, each with its own story, energy, and vibrance. So let’s dive a bit deeper into their meaning, artistic techniques, and the meditative process behind their creation.
The Beauty of Mandalas in Art
Mandalas are much more than just visually appealing patterns—they embody balance, unity, and harmony. All mandalas throughout the world reflect the meticulous detailing and vibrant colors that bring them to life.
They are intricate, symbolic designs that originate from a central point, representing unity and the essence of creation. This single dot, symbolizing wholeness, expands outward into elaborate patterns that reflect the diversity of cultural expressions. Across various traditions, mandalas serve as tools for meditation, spiritual growth, and artistic representation, embodying the journey from unity to multiplicity. Their circular form, radiating from a central core, mirrors the process of creation, where simplicity evolves into complex, harmonious designs unique to each cultural context.
This first image displays a mesmerizing red-toned mandala with shimmering silver highlights, resembling the radiance of a blooming flower. It’s the Ashthalakshmi mandala, also known as the 8-pointed unicursal star or the infinite star, is a sacred symbol representing Goddess Lakshmi, the divine embodiment of prosperity and blessings. This intricate design signifies the abundance she bestows, encompassing health, wealth, wisdom, patience, resilience, knowledge, harmonious relationships, and the strength of community and family. Through its interconnected points, the mandala reflects the infinite and holistic nature of her divine grace.
The second image takes a different approach, featuring a geometric mandala with bold lines and structured patterns. It’s a mandala centered with the Buddhist lotus, the flower symbolizes the essence of Time, rooted eternally in the present moment—the “here and now.”
From this sacred center, life unfolds like concentric circles, radiating outward into dimensions that serve as portals or passageways of experience. At the heart of this design, the deity resides, embodying the focal point of spiritual focus and reverence. The lotus, with its petals unfolding in perfect harmony, mirrors the journey of self-discovery and the creation of one’s own moral and spiritual compass.
This Buddhist mandala also draws inspiration from the Buddhist wheel of Dharma and the Four Noble Truths, guiding practitioners to reflect on their intentions through mindful speech, actions, attentiveness, and concentration. It serves as a visual reminder of Dharma as a pathway to right conduct, encouraging a life aligned with wisdom and compassion.
Each mandala is a universe in itself, guiding the viewer’s eyes from the outermost layers to the core, symbolizing the journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. As ancient cultures drew inspiration from the patterns observed in nature and the cosmos, seeing them as reflections of both the microcosm and macrocosm, through symbols they also sought to understand their place within the world, interpreting these natural and celestial designs as a means to connect their existence to the broader universe.
The Spiritual and Meditative Connection
Mandalas are profound representations of the interconnectedness of all existence, embodying the universal principles that bind the cosmos together. They reflect the harmonic resonance found in every facet of creation, from the intricate patterns of a cell in algae to the majestic spirals of sunflowers, which echo the golden ratio and Fibonacci sequence, and even to the vast, swirling arms of the Milky Way galaxy. In this way, mandalas serve as a visual expression of the cosmic law that governs both the microcosm and macrocosm, revealing a universal symbiosis where nothing exists in isolation. They are a testament to the idea that the sacred geometry of existence is woven into the fabric of reality, connecting all things through a shared, timeless language of form and pattern.
Across cultures, mandalas have been adapted to reflect individual belief systems, yet they remain a unifying symbol of humanity’s connection to both earthly and cosmic realms. The sacred circle of the mandala, with its intricate designs radiating from a central point, encapsulates the profound truth of “as above, so below,” illustrating how the same geometric principles manifest in the heavens and on Earth. This duality is beautifully captured in the mandala’s empty fullness or full emptiness, a paradox that mirrors the blueprint of existence itself. In their harmonious balance of simplicity and complexity, mandalas invite us to contemplate the infinite interplay of unity and diversity, reminding us of our place within the grand, interconnected tapestry of the universe.
For Buddhist monks, the creation of sand mandalas is also a profound act of worship and meditation. Each grain of sand is meticulously placed to form a cosmogram—a sacred roadmap to enlightenment, where art and spirituality merge. Yet, in a powerful demonstration of impermanence, these intricate mandalas are eventually dismantled, symbolizing the transient nature of existence and the cyclical flow of life within the samsara wheel of birth, death, and rebirth. Through this process, the mandala becomes not only a work of sacred art but also a living lesson in the beauty and impermanence of all things.
The Significance of Colors and Symbols
By bringing polarities together, mandalas are not just containers of sacred art forms used for self-expression, they also open the heart to receive the universal language of love. They help us see oneness in all things as a divine presence or commonality that binds us together within the circle of life as we journey back to our center of being.
Creating a mandala is not just an artistic endeavor but a meditative practice. The rhythmic motion of drawing, coloring, and filling patterns allows the artist to enter a state of mindfulness. In many traditions, mandalas serve as a tool for meditation, enabling individuals to connect with their inner selves and achieve a sense of peace and balance.
The videos you saw accompanying the images captures the meditative flow of mandala-making, showing how each stroke, color, and design choice contributes to the final masterpiece. Observing this process can be equally calming, making mandalas an excellent tool for stress relief and mindfulness.
Colors play a crucial role in mandala art, each carrying a unique meaning:
- Red and orange in the first mandala symbolize energy, passion, and transformation.
- Gold and silver accents represent divinity and enlightenment.
- Geometric structures in the second mandala are reminiscent of sacred symbols used in spiritual rituals, acting as pathways to deeper consciousness.
The Universal Appeal of Mandalas
Mandalas transcend cultural boundaries and have found their place in modern art, therapy, and wellness practices. Whether used for personal reflection, home décor, or spiritual practices, they continue to inspire and heal.
Through these images and videos, we witness not just art but an experience—a fusion of tradition, creativity, and inner peace. Whether you’re an artist, a spiritual seeker, or someone who simply appreciates beauty, mandalas offer something profound for everyone.
At the stillpoint you exist in a neutral state of pristine silence where your innate awareness speaks through the heART as presence.
Let’s create this space together in a 1:1 session to yield more of You back home to Self as awareness, as everyone is a piece of potential art.
1:1 clients chosen after an interview
Dm for enquiry
Have you ever created or meditated with a mandala? Share your experience in the comments!
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Love Niva Shah
Thank you.
Hi, I’m Niva Shah and I am a Licensed and Authorized Reality-Transurfing Coach on a mission to fulfil your purpose of the WHO AM I, in genuine, authentic, self mastery and empowerment mentoring, so you too can fly freely and claim your birthright, because you matter in your own uniqueness.
As a creative self mastery alchemist, I’ve built self-expression and leadership courses that you can find here, by road mapping your self-empowerment and freedom of being to be in line with your authentic and intimate connection with your soul.
You can also reach me for personalized Energy Transmissions and Guided Breathwork Sessions. Schedule your appointment with me here.