
The 5 Basic Laws Of The Universe (Reality Transurfing)

You are a being of light , and all is now in divine order of will and grace, as the fires cleanse to bring your radiant Self into vibrant being with love at the centre.

Let go of all you intend to leave behind in 2021 and allow the fires to cleanse your being as you surrender more and more into your authentic self as being.

Thank you for receiving this silent transmission 🌹🌹🌹💚

May love always be the centre of all choices.

Here’s a special gift for you to print out :
Laws of the universe :

🌟You exist – always have and always will – you only change your vehicle in which to experience your reality.

🌟There is only the One Infinite Creator and All Is One Creator as Source /God/Creator/Paramatma

🌟Life is like a boomerang, as what you give out is what you receive abs what you put in is what is reflected in your reality

🌟You always have a choice as your freewill as your birthright and there will always be change , except for these laws of the universe.

🌟Follow your joy and excitement to your highest ability as you bring love into each moment , with each breath to the best you can by following your passion , as this raises your energetic vibration and frequency as your essence of being.

🌟Allow love to be the centre of all choices as the heart knows in all ways , always.

May love be the centre zero point ( bindu point ) of all your choices 🌹🌹🌹💚

Niva Shah


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