Reality-Transurfing Online Course

Embark on a transformative journey with Niva Shah’s Reality-Transurfing® online course, designed to reshape your perception of reality.

This is a practical online course inspired by the pioneering work of Russian author Vadim Zeland. Delving into the principles outlined in the book ‘Reality Transurfing: Steps I-V’, this course seamlessly combines elements of quantum physics, psychology, and metaphysics to present a distinctive framework. By mastering this framework, individuals gain insights into their reality and acquire the tools to shape it and lead more fulfilling lives.

This online course has a price that is revealed upon the first 1:1 discovery call. Enter in contact with me from my Contact page or Social Media channels.


Everyone Has Such Kind Words To Say!

Silent energy transmission

“ I received the silent gaze shakti(energy) from Niva and it was a powerful experience. During the process, when I looked at her bindi, I saw a halo around it and her face felt like the Mother Divine. There was a sense of total surrender and trust - also, I felt a lot of heat in my body. I connected with a deep silence. Even now words feel so redundant to explain the experience of the energy.”

Veena Pai

About Niva shah

"My Beloved Niva Shah. She is an eternal mother who Grace's us with boundless sovereign love. When I connect to her energetically, it is as if I am laying on a hammock of great fortune. A true mother gaurdian, her compassion swims as deep as the whales, her vision of life is of the greatest expression. Her work speaks of celebration of life's journey, the fairy god mother to many, if not us all. She sits at the top overwatching as her children play on abundant lands, never absent, she always hugs me energetically, she is the great mama, the great earth we stand on, she holds her memory, protector of her lineage, her colorful sparkles bring upliftment to any soul she encounters. I am truly forever changed because of Niva Shah. I have never felt a love so close yet so far, the mother in the middle of the temple you come to see to confess your sins, she listens, she forgives, she accepts all."


My experience with Niva

"Niva is truly the archetype of divine feminine mother Goddess. Her nurturing fire, softness and authentic intuitive guidance and intention has brought so much innerstanding of myself and my evolution. She's been available in moments when I've been at my lowest and also at my highest- and her energy has always been consistent, though her approach is always so carefully curated for what I need in the moments of our interactions. I've always felt seen, cared for and voice heard working with Niva. I wouldn't have asked for anything else from our connection - as she's gone over and beyond what I would have ever expected of her. Her intuitive guidance and ability to transmit healing light to me throughout our work together has been felt even though we are physically on opposite sides of the Earth. It's been a beautiful unfolding and an honorable recognition. Thank you Niva the light."


Infinite Love

"She gifted me a sacred painted pebble with layers of ecstacy, her artwork is a proud process of initiation into the higher self using Earth's elements. She is truly the holiest of Holys, for she is our sacred mother, guardian of the earthly planes, dance and celebration.

Infinite love. Infinite grace. Thank you Eternally Niva Shah, Whale Mother Primal Sun"

Thank you Niva

"Thank you Niva for your healing, which feels like a guiding light and has warmed my soul. The healing has helped me to understand, accept and visualise the way forward after a long period of uncertainty. Your guidance is truly powerful and the energy to heal my heart has empowered me to embrace the now.
Words are not enough to describe my appreciation for your healing. You have a beautiful and powerful gift."

Deepa A

Sacred transmissions

"I feel very honoured and blessed to have received divine guidance and sacred transmissions from Niva Shah.
Niva's words create a powerful sacred space in which you can use to grow and ascend. Niva always brings that divine motherly energy, sometimes gentle and so sweet, like food for the soul, and other times she brings that truth and clarity which can feel like a thunderbolt straight to the matter how she delivers the messages I have always felt as though they were a divine blanket of pure unconditional love and always for my highest good. Love you beautiful Niva thank you again."


intuitive heART journal

"My testimonial with infinite love as I feel my journal gives me, as I feel you give me.

I feel such a deep connection with my intuitive heART journal because I feel the vibration of its authentic source creation. It welcomes my heart power, it holds the energetic space I need to feel held, heard, discovered and seen, just like Niva does. It awakens my words as I fill my life script with the experience of my wholeness. It gives me a warm home to express Self and the Most High within. This is not a journal that you hold, this is a journal that holds you."

Veronica Fortunati

embodiment of wise counsel

"The Liberation trinity is a subtle, yet potent remedy for gently dislodging emotional blockages and releasing the residue that may keep us stuck in past trauma. It is like a liquid meditation that restores balance and gifts the savvy user with sustained sense of calm and enduring well being. It's strength is in its subtlety.
Niva Shah is the embodiment of wise counsel. Her graceful command of ancient Vedic knowledge coupled with a motherly sensitivity for its most effective practical application in modern times make her a rare intuitive. In her presence you sense the depth of a fully integrated initiate and a masterful adept searching intently for avenues to transmit the deep wisdom without distortion and
communicate in a way to ensure better understanding. Here you have found your guru."


coming back to self

"The best way to describe Niva is as somebody fully heart center with massive knowledge and wisdom on many of the subjects that will allow you to come back to self. Niva carries within her not only the knowledge of her present life but also her reincarnations and her ancestors. She is truly a jewel and we all are very fortunate to have the opportunity to work and learn with her."


my soul coaching session

"From experience, the 1:1 Shakti transmission I received from Niva during my soul coaching session was amazingly powerFULL. It cut straight through many blocks I had created keeping myself from SELF. There is nothing like it! She will always reflect to you the home within your SELF and sometimes as we face some of our greater challenges in life we need the strongest transmissions to help us breakthrough and up level in our own consciousness. Deeply grateful for this Being who's presence alone is an activation!"


service to others

"Even my doctors were surprised as my recovery which was expected to take five months, only took six weeks. In six weeks I was not in need of my walker and the Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma was in full remission. I have been in remission for one year now. A year ago, I was diagnosed with several ailments and life felt overwhelmed. I truly believe that due to Niva's intercession in my healing, I began to recover much quicker as compared to doing it alone. Niva was there when I needed her most. Since knowing her over the year's, I have also enjoyed her shared talent in the infused healing art she so beautifully hand-crafts. Niva is truly an amazing woman as she is gifted, talented and is blessing our world with her work."

Jamie Fletcher
Utah. USA.
With deepest gratitude and love

quantum audio transmissions

"Niva's collection of audio transmissions are a compact set of wisdom quantum packets which arise in her as a blossoming of her deep spiritual explorations. One can sense the longing to know and also that her learnings have brought her to enlightenment in this life time. These audios stir the inner milleu with similiar enquiry and thus reflect one back on himself. This is the true mark of compassion which does not make anyone worship or lean on the external source but enhances more and more of one's own self. Wishing her the very best in all her endeavours to be and share the light."

Dr Pallavi Kwatra

There's an alchemy in her touch

"She put her hand over my heart and told me to relax. She knows her power and she uses it to make everything better. There's an alchemy in her touch, a healing in her words, a restorative power in her truth."

Midas Touch

Psychedelic breathwork with guidance session

"And breathe....firstly i want to take a moment to thank divine mother niva shah. i thank you for opening and providing a safe sacred space for me to grow through my breathwork session with yourself. mother niva shah guided me with such wisdom and grace and i was able to open up on a whole different level:
a personal rebirth. the sacred space provided for me by ma niva felt like i was in a mothers wome. the only space existing on earth at present that gives us the divine power to grow into a human being the womb....and that's what i needed a chance.
a chance for me to heal on deeper level. niva thank you.
how did i feel after the can only describe the feeling as whole and yes for me personally it was instant.
i listened to the guidance and wise words of wisdom from niva as she also advised me to keep up the breathwork after the session and i have everyday since my session and has enabled me to keep a balanced healthy lifestyle.
from me to you divine mother niva-i give thanks and i love you from my family to yours- we give thanks and we love you all"




divine Shakti power

"Of all the transmissions I have have received (and given) over the years, rarely have I encountered one as powerful and as life- transforming as the divine Shakti power that Niva Je Shah embodies and transmits."

Gary Falk

total surrender and trust

"I received the silent gaze shakti (energy) from Niva and it was a powerful experience. During the process, when I looked at her bindi, I saw a halo around it and her face felt like the Mother Divine. There was a sense of total surrender and trust - also, I felt a lot of heat in my body. I connected with a deep silence. Even now words feel so redundant to explain the experience of the energy."

Veena Pai

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