Freedom Friday - artofinnerjoy_com

Freedom Fridays – Consciousness Teachings

Fridays are really about the freedom of being, and so today I was just thinking about the mirrored reality, when we’re looking at ourselves in the mirror, because we really live in a world of contrasts, polarities and duality and sometimes we wonder whilst we’re looking at something for example a tree or a flower or a forest, whether the humanity is really proceeding in the proper direction of what we’re actually viewing.

When I infer to this I actually mean that one of the first realizations of anything is when we see the reflection of something in a mirror. And is it the reflection that’s really you or is it the image that’s really you? If you’ve been following my teachings it’s the image, change the image to change the reflection. You cannot make a reflection smile but you can certainly change the emotions within the image that the reflection that’s being reflected back to you smiles and this is the whole concept around smoke and mirrors, and when you look at yourself being reflected in the mirror that reflection smiles because the image smiles, that reflection laughs because the image laughs, that reflection cries because the image cries, and after a little while you realize my state of being my internal emotions who I am being right now my image is actually creating the reflection that’s reflecting back to me.

So then how much of what I’m seeing in this universe is really what is being, or what is happening through my own lens of perception internally? And this takes us back to the who am I, who’s the real me, whether it’s located in front of the mirror or behind the mirror. From my Tufty videos when I spoke about the metaphysical mirror, that is beyond the metaphor physical mirror in the space of variants, which in vedic terms is known as the brahmanda.

Every thing is possible, the whole of creation exists and to look at it all like film scripts and whatever you’re giving your attention to manifests. Everything already exists and then that’s the train of thought that follows on from this is when you even start talking to yourself for example if you put on a crown the image that’s reflected back to you is a sovereign being wearing a crown, if you look demonic or dress up demonically the image reflected is that of a demon, if you imagine yourself within you as source creation of pureness of light, as a god then the image that you would see reflected back is only that of source creation. And one step further, if I was the world myself and I stood in front of the mirror then I would see the world as my own reflection.

If any of you have seen the matrix film it says in the film there is no other apart from you being reflected as you, at your different levels of frequency, and this takes you on if you are the world and you are the entire universe then what you are actually seeing, perceiving, reflecting is all happening within the self. The entire sun, the galaxies, the stars, the trees, the waters, the lakes, the sky, everything it’s all within you and this is interesting because if you do show two people the same thing, they will both perceive it in a different way and so this takes us on to a deeper understanding that my mind is actually a mirror and that mirror can be so pure that all I’m reflecting was me to myself and I am the entire cosmos in the entire universe.

I see myself as I see my reality and what do I intend to create, and so in that moment of realization theres an equation between me and the world thatam seeing from my lens of perception. The world is simply mirroring me and if there are parts of me that I don’t like then those parts of me in the world will also be reflected thatdont like, and ifwant to see the world in a better way thenmust start improving the insides of me so that those parts of the world that are reflected back to me are reflected in a better way. It is not the circumstances that create your reality, it is your state of internal being, your frequency, your vibration that then is reflected within the world mirror, and this really brings us back into taking accountability of self.

The realization that any process of change can only begin with the self, myself, the whole process of change begins with self, you are the center, the zero point, the bindu point, the creational point of the entire world that you exist in. All is well in my world, my world is looking after me, I am I looking after my world because you are the world. Do not allow fear to grab you, thinking that youre all alone in this world, or that there is nothing else besides you in this world. It is born inside you, it is growing inside you, so its all is self. You are always meeting yourself, all the multiplicity, all the differences that you see are simply like a dream which has arisen in your minds eye, and then they are going to also vanish like a dream in your minds eye because you yourself contain the entire universe. All is self experiencing self ad infinitude.

You want to prove that a contains b, what would you do, would you deny and see if b can also exist and so ifwant to prove thatcontain the entire universe what dodeny myself and see if the universe actually exists and the existence of the universe is conditional to my existence. The first reality is reality of my thoughts, what amthinking right now, what am I actually creating through my whole thought process, because the world out there is only created reality from our thoughts, and thenask myself, ammy thoughts? And if these thoughts are imaginary then the world which is derived from this set of thoughts cannot be a higher reality than the thoughts themselves. And so this entire process starts to bring about a certain change in the dream thatam actually seeing or perceiving, andmust start to dream a better dream. I must start dreaming my ideal dream and this is when belief systems come into play. I must make a belief to myself thatam the creator of my reality, and this comes from my own self, and that this reality becomes the model for what is happening and what I am actually experiencing.

You andand every one of us can have our dreams and make our dreams come true but we must understand that every one of our dreams is going to manifest sooner or later. We must have a belief of this, how soon theyre going to manifest anywhere – leave that to the universe in surrender and that also depends on the clear-cut clarity of your thoughts, the purity of your thoughts, the clarity of how youre projecting these thoughts into your universe.

And so the entire process of change has to begin from within and this is whentalk about turning yourself inside out, and when you turn ourselves inside out, we start to have a better dream because we come from within. We do not allow the circumstances to dictate what is going to happen in our dream, and what domean about having a better dream? Well what do you prefer, do you prefer love or fear? You always have a choice, theres no two opinions about it, what would you prefer in your dream, because were all made as particles of one source creation and so its important that we dont limit ourselves, our sensory perceptions, because we are limitless beings, we imagine ourselves to have certain identities, certain role models play because were simply molded by society, family, into the roles, the masks, the names, the structures, all of that we soon become entrapped in these facades but can you strip yourself of all of those facades and know and realize that you are much bigger than what you actually think you are? A soul being who has come on this plane to have a human experience, and the way you perceive the world is really conceived by your senses, the sense of touch, smell, sight, hearing, taste and if we look at our eyes we see that something near to us appears larger and something further away in the distance, in the horizon, is smaller.

Our eyes as we know them cannot perceive ultraviolet light or infrared light or microwaves but if we want to see we have to develop separate instruments to be able to do that, even with our sense of hearing, when were indoors we only hear whats inside our home, we hardly hear whats going on outside the home, even with touching we only feel from our body sense but our skin cannot perceive something thats a couple of millimeters away from us, theres a cutoff line but we do feel, we feel temperatures, we feel feelings so every one of our senses are acting like a localized magnifier. And suppose you start to wear some sort of a microscope on you that magnifies everything you know something attached to your eyes, your ears, your skin, would be able to feel so much more, hear so much more, see so much more. And likesaid, what is near us appears bigger and what is far away from us appears smaller, so in such a sense what kind of emotional interaction with the world can you have when you think that something closer to you is more important than what is further away from you?

And so the affections that you have, the attachments that you have, these are all brought about by the nature of your senses. Your attachments are the sources of your appreciation of the universe that you live in, of your division of the universe, of how you classify your cognitions, and all of these things are simply based on the fact that youre drawing you out of yourself, because it is all you experience yourself. And from that your projection is also coming from the nature of your senses, of you projecting you.

When you squeeze a lemon what do you get? Lemon juice, so ifwas to squeeze you what wasto get more of you? And then we come on to the thinking there are two ways of knowing things. Whensay thatknow that this is an object then my mind is functioning and its comparing this object with so many different objects that its actually ruled out other possibilities. For example ifknow my car is a car, its a car if the car was compared to a lorry for example, it is an abstract thought that the limited mind of information cannot recognize. So when you say that you know something this act of knowledge is really like a knife thats cutting away or separating an object from the rest of reality, its divisible, and so the nature of knowing in the act of cognition is dividing the whole into separate parts.

And so if you want to become an expert in knowing something, the finer your discrimination becomes, you start to cut the universe into smaller, finer, finer, synthesized particles, because the thinking mind discriminates, the knowledge is divisive and discrimination is the faculty of the thinking mind. And so this means that given a starting point which is you yourself whos the thinker, youre going to go into different branches of division, youre dividing yourself into your thinking mind and the knowing mind, thinking mind coming from the head the knowing mind almost coming from the heart but when the heart and the mind are in alignment you also become more in alignment with your zero point. But if the heart and mind are separated you start to go further out into the branches and the subbranches and so on, just like a tree, so in other words you can say that the thinking mind of being is like a centrifugal force. Centrifugal meaning, its moving away from its center, from the zero point, but the knowing mind is like a centripetal force, it keeps coming back to that center point, that zero point of the dot and the circle. And so if youre standing on the top of a tree on the surface of a sphere and the whole sphere is rotating, only the center of that sphere is stable. The thinking mind behaves like the convex surface on what youre sitting, its defocused the reason why its defocused is because its always searching, its going outward from the center point like just like a spiritual seeker. But the feeling, knowing, wisdom mind is the opposite of that, its the centripetal force, its the centering device whose foundation is based on love.

And so what youre trying to do is to eliminate the distinctions that you are seeing actually without your eyes, youre hearing without your ears, youre thinking without your mind because the feeling is a centering device is the way of the heart is the reception the receptive thing that already knows. Its like being in love, you just know and you be love, and you make love, and you embrace, you unite you come together into the zero point, the center point, its two becoming one not the two separating.

And as by a process of continuous successive reductions you can then bring infinity from the external into oneness into unity consciousness, just by unconditional love, the uniting principle, not pushing away from yourself but coming back to yourself, to knowing yourself. In the same way its important not to create the divisions between you and you, but to come back to being you, which is the purpose of life. In the dao this is the merging of the yin and the yang, the positive and negative energies, the male and the female, the knowing in the thinking mind, the masculine and feminine, the feminine being the receptive one.

This is the wholeness and the balance of energies and when you balance this whole probing effect this action based on love, the entire world becomes more meaningful because youre coming from the inside out zero point. And when you start to see yourself reflected in the mirror, theres a certain part that you start to see in the mirror, when the mirror actually starts to disappear. Because youve moved your attention away, and your identifications of the masks that youre wearing with different parts of the cosmos. And you become one with the self, you become one with the heart and the mind being aligned, and you become a witness, a witness consciousness of unity. You actually start to identify yourself as the witness consciousness, in the knowing that youre not two different people, the image and the reflection, but that you are the parts of the dream of one single individual adopting to the role models that you are playing out in the different games and scenarios and film scripts that youre experiencing. And this enables you to play the game of life more effectively, as the detached observer, without having to die. This is also a way to overcome fear, because you become aware, awake within the dream and once youre awake and aware within the dream there is simply no more separateness, everything is unified with you and yourself, and you know that its all an illusion and that youve just been playing in his game and you learn to smile and laugh at the big cosmic joke.

This world that were living in is used to be played like a game, but the foundation must always come from love, as the foundational blanket knitting the cosmic web.

Just take a deep breath, and just be the detached witness of what is happening in your life, you dont need to pass any judgment, whether its good or bad or desirable or undesirable, you do not evaluate. You just say how interesting, this too shall pass. Things come and go like waves in the sea or clouds in the sky, I am the detached observer, the experience of my reflection in the mirror is my image, a source creation reflecting itself. And every action that I am performing I visualize the image from a pure space, and so what is being reflected is the realitycreate in my joy, as my heart and mind are in alignment. Im always supported by the universe. All is well in my world, my world is looking after me, in always, always till infinity. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Niva Shah


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