
Divine Time

Its divinely timed now that I share how I was being prepared for a deeper calling all along , but this human amnesia had dumbed me down as a spiritual being having a human experience.
Where do you feel you’re having amnesia to your true purpose and calling in life ?🌺

Merging my left and right brain hemispheres ,lead me to practice optometry and go to art school in a balanced symbiosis feeding my scientific left brain and creative right brain , in my early twenties.
Are you in a career you enjoy fully as a calling and thats feeding all your needs ? 🌺

My very camp and beautifully eccentric art teacher kept pushing me during my art foundation course to read about the works of Ken Wilbur to name but one , and encouraged me to paint blindfolded using both hands to stimulate both brain hemispheres and let go of any mind control and allow the surrendering into the moment to occur spontaneously.
This was a gorgeously orgasmic process of creation flowing into passionate surrender as I felt so blissful expressing myself through art and music.
Can you fully surrender into each moment trusting yourself fully ? 🌺

It was here that I had recurrent dreams and recollections of a life in India, being burnt alive as a Sati in a funeral pyre.
The dream was speaking to me vividly and a subsequent trip to Jaipur confirmed the exact place where this had happened as my intuitive abilities and premonitions were heightened at this stage of spiritual growth. 🌺

Returning to England , I started painting this lady as I wanted to meet her fully and embrace her strength. She was a parallel life of mine and I felt her pain and anguish and therefore I couldn’t finish painting her and left her in one of my outhouses at the back of the garden.
Do you fully embrace and meet your fears or spiritually bypass everything with the love and light philosophy? 🌺

Three years ago post my divorce , we suffered a huge house fire 🔥 and lost everything overnight in the ferocity of the flames. Overnight, the children and I had nothing left of our lives , as if a giant eraser had come along to karmically burn everything away for a reason.
This was a great havan ( a fire ceremony)and was very symbolic to say the least, as I experienced my greatest calm in the eye of the storm, in fully surrendering all in the realisation that nothing belongs to you and eventually you have to let it all go…….
What traumatic experience has happened to you in your life that was your turning point ?🌺

This was my absolute surreal moment of surrender into the nothingness of everything as what more was there to lose except all the possessions that possess us as our attachments and ego and we spend so much of our life and energy on ?
Have you had those Aha moments of losing everything to gain it all ?🌺

It was in this moment I realised an inner peace that if I carried on believing that happiness came from material possessions , including a house , I would always be separated from my true inner joy.
A space or vacuum was created as I allowed the letting go process in full acceptance ……
My body vehicle is my home and to fully embody ourselves is a beautiful home coming to Self ad infinitum in this circle of life.
My fear of losing anything vanished in an instant, as my ex hadn’t insured the house either, so what was there to lose if nothing existed anymore? You cannot lose nothing from nothingness and ground zero…..
This ego death was profound. 🌺

This was an intense shift in perspective for me into coming Into my calling of serving others , as I was lucky to have my life and breath and my children were safe and the simplicity of gratitude became my motto.
What’s been your aha moment during an ego death ? 🌺

I started coming into my power slowly, cocooning in the safety of my mothers flat , claiming myself back to self as my new reality in deeper Sadana and silence of writing and painting and being with me, myself and I.
There is no good or bad , only the meaning we give to neutrality, and I was injoying my metamorphosis.
What meaning are you giving something in non awareness ?🌺

I started coming into my power as I stopped being a victim of circumstances and metamorphosed into becoming a victor instead, as most of my so called friends didn’t want to know me , now I had no home or money or status from their level of consciousness. The ones who stuck with me were and are still seen with great love as the real deal , holding space for my kids and I – you know who you are and I love you and thank you eternally for showing up as authentic beings.
Who do you appreciate in your life and why ?🌺

I started coming into my power as I began to to realise that nothing has the power to enter your life , unless you allow it and this sense of responsibility and accountability laid the deeper foundation for my own integrity to self as authenticity plays a big role in my books.
Where are you being inauthentic and out of integrity? 🌺

I started coming into my power as I soon realised that the universe had a grander plan for me and that everything is a gift, serving for my deeper and further awakening into remembering myself beyond the amnesia of the 3D world. You see in every moment we have a choice to transform our life or repeat old patterns again and again. We have a choice to become humbled or bitter , to blame and shame or to accept what is ,by breaking the heart open into a divine strength of will power and a further blossoming of the cosmic heart.
Where are you blaming or shaming your circumstances and not taking full responsibility? 🌺

I came into my power viewing life with a different perspective, beyond the surface waves , as I started seeing the bigger picture in most situations , beyond the programming of the masses. The faith and trust within self laid a beautiful foundation to weave my tapestry of consciousness deeper and richly into my life’s causal ocean itself. I actualised the meaning of Niva which is faith. 🌺

In January 2020, I was called by my inner guidance, to return to Sati ( she had survived the fire as was in the garden outhouse ), and transform her reality into The Phoenix who has risen out of the flames 🔥 of her inner queendom where all her tools are within. I painted her in an energetic dance chanting divine Sri Vidya mantras and covered her with the sacred red kum kum powder making sacred love to her fully in divine union of Self meeting Self coming back full circle in total surrender and tantric unity . This was my liberation and so deliciously empowering.
She sat next to me during my Sadana and I placed her carefully in my altar that night to receive what was energetically required ,listening to Lalitā Sahasranāma. 🌺

The next morning, as I greeted her with a SHREE MATREE NAMAHA , she was alive, as her eyes blinked at me in fullness. I was tearfully ecstatic and knew I had to share her energy with my family first. 🌺

So here she is below – the Phoenix who has risen into her sovereignty fully , owning her uniqueness and her strength with a love so deep , that she can fill your cup with one look of a shaktipat ( energy transmission)🌺

She has taught me that true happiness and joy do not come from material possessions and the fear of losing them , but from self love that never leaves you. She has taught me that self validation and appreciation , pave the way for others to do the same, by holding space for them.🌺
The gems 💎 we carry within the fire of our Manipura chakra , can never be stripped away , as they are eternally within us, so allow your internal fire to cleanse you and allow what’s meant for you to greet you in your own deep homa puja ( fore ceremony) to self.
Where are you blocking yourself from YOU ?🌺

The gift is in the giving and I have made many prints of this painting, so she can also bliss you with her gaze and smile, as the Phoenix that fans your inner flames of love eternally.
Feel her essence so she allows you to open up your heart in full acceptance and authenticity so you too can reclaim your power and blossom into your self love in wholeness , as ALL IS SELF.
Each print is personally energised by me during my sadana and posted with flowers from my sadana. 🌺

The victims of this 3D world are the victorious ones of the spirit world, as they have fully opened their hearts in compassion , unity and the purity of self love.
I have enjoyed my burning of victim hood into full self mastery of a victor of my heart and am here to take you on a journey to your self mastery 🌺
Where are you still being a victim with lack and scarcity and how can I hold space for you ?
It’s your birthright to play full on and level up to your authentic beingness and I’m here to hold space for you as I did for me fully, as I can only take you as far as I’ve been myself.
You owe it to yourself right to claim your birthright ?🌺

Prints available via DM and coaching sessions can be booked by first having a discovery call with me via my links here.

She is the perfection of the Divine Mother as pure love. 🌺

Enjoy her as you listen to this music :

In deep gratitude to life ……
OM Sri Gurubhyo NAMAHA 🌺🌺🌺
OM Sri Matree NAMAHA 🌺🌺🌺

Niva Shah


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