
Constructing Your Identity

Exploring the Construction of Identity and the Intricacies of Our Perceived Reality

The concept we’ll be exploring today is the idea that we construct our identities based on our perception of ourselves, and then embody these identities in our day-to-day interactions in the physical world. As part of our ongoing Friday’s Freedom Talks, I encourage you to subscribe to my Newsletter not miss out on any updates. In addition, I invite you to check out the additional resources available. You can avail a complimentary energized painting and schedule a no-cost discovery call with me. This call can serve as an introduction to the various mentorships, teachings, coaching, breathwork sessions, energy transmissions, and art commissions that I provide.

Drawing from the profound wisdom of the Shiva Mahapurana sacred texts, today’s discussion delves into the intriguing nature of our reality. One particular facet that stands out, recognized by yogis, physicists, philosophers, and enlightened sages alike, is that straight lines, as we perceive them, do not truly exist in the visible world.

When we scrutinize a line under the microscope, the perceived straightness or smoothness is actually a figment of our imagination. A pencil-drawn line, for instance, when examined under a microscope, reveals a landscape of irregularities, curves, and waveforms. With a powerful enough microscope or deep introspective insight, what initially seems to be a precise line more closely resembles a rugged mountain range.

Similarly, objects made of metal, wood, or glass, crafted at 90-degree angles—like a building or a table—do not possess exact 90-degree angles. We generally agree that buildings are ‘straight’ due to a collective belief. But in reality, engineering a perfectly straight building on a sub-atomic level is an impossibility.

This is because everything that is man-made or composed of matter is inherently limited in terms of space and time. It’s variegated or imperfect, reinforcing the fascinating complexity of our physical world.

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Exploring Consciousness and the Illusion of Self in Yogic Philosophy

This brings us to our core discussion on consciousness. Similar to the illusion of straight lines, what we often refer to as the ‘I’ or ‘self’ is a construct of our imagination. This fabrication parallels the geometrically precise buildings and chess boards that we encounter daily. We construct an idea of who we believe we are and then enact this concept in our physical reality.

This perspective from which we interact with and perceive the world is often a fictional standpoint, known in Sanskrit as the ‘Ahamkara’ or the ‘false ego’. This false ego, this misguided light, leads us to believe we are something, derived purely from our imagination.

The only true straight lines or perfect circles exist beyond the empirical and the opinionated, beyond partiality. These flawless geometric shapes truly exist within the realm of a pristine cosmic or colossal cosmic intelligence. This intelligence, although invisible to the naked eye that perceives only empirical reality, encapsulates the deepest layer of our individual intelligence and our highest reasoning faculties, such as in simple mathematics.

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Drawings and diagrams are essentially attempts to project infinite perfection using finite, imperfect tools. This attempt at perfect representation is only feasible beyond the confines of space and time, making it practically impossible.

The self-aware or awakened individual is, in truth, also invisible. Attributes like color, height, occupation, nationality, and other labels or ‘masks’ are not genuinely real from this perspective. Instead, they are products of society and worldly constructs, referred to in yogic science as ‘Maya’, or the great illusion.

Despite this, humans place significant importance on this Maya. In our interactions, we often focus on someone’s name, occupation, place of residence, the car they drive, or the clothes they wear. But these are all elements of the Maya.

The yogi, the master, recalls who he was before this Maya enveloped his inner being. This yogi accesses an intelligence untouched by human conceptions, conclusions, and prejudices.


The yogi, through his practices, begins to gain insights that propel him towards his boundless potential—this limitless being is the supreme catalyst and generator of all creation and emptiness, everywhere, without exception, at all times. It’s from this perfect, pristine source that pure, intellectual logic derives, the same creative source that the artist reflects upon.

This creative energy is then harnessed in transformative work. It’s the source of boundless entities and the soul of the universe, referred to as Shiva-Shakti consciousness. This Shiva-Shakti consciousness exists in all life forms, like the roots of a tree with numerous branches.

The yogi ultimately surrenders to this infinite beingness—the changeless essence within all changes.

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What could be more trustworthy than immersing oneself into the grandeur of Mahadeva, the unparalleled, underlying intelligence and beauty in the ever-expanding universe. This is the unspoiled, perfect Shiva consciousness.

Drawing a parallel with a wildfire reducing trees to ashes, the errors of anyone meditating on Shiva are similarly obliterated by simply reciting his name. Countless misconceptions are eradicated with the mere utterance of the name ‘Shiva’, or by chanting ‘Aum Namah Shivaya’. This chant signifies a bowing down to the earth, air, fire, water, and ether elements within oneself, and the infinite consciousness of one’s being.


Those immersed in the flow of the nectar-like name of Shiva are not troubled amidst the chaos of worldly existence. On the other hand, those engrossed in the mere attractions of the physical world—the illusion, the Maya—rarely invoke ‘Aum Namah Shivaya’. Yet, those who do are likely to attain liberation.

Having faith in the supreme consciousness, Shiva consciousness, bears no consequence for such individuals. This is why chanting ‘Aum Namah Shivaya’ leads to infinite bliss and internal alertness. The Shiva consciousness is, in fact, the Shiva Shakti consciousness, also known as Sadashiva.


The expansive Shiva Mahapurana delves deeply into the journey of self-discovery and emanating from the Self through meditation. It’s about returning to the subtlety of one’s true identity—the subject, object, stabilizing the mind, and becoming Sat, Cit, and Ananda, or Truth, Consciousness, and Bliss.

This journey leads to the formless Self, which neither rises nor sets, waxes nor wanes, but simply shines forth due to its self-illumination. This infinite formless One isn’t perceptible but its existence can only be mentally experienced on a certain level. This level or knowledge in the sutras is referred to as Brahmanamya, Brahma Jnana, or the knowledge of the Self.

This knowledge of the Self is the existence of the One or the Absolute. To be in this absolute knowledge is to experience oneself akin to the tranquility of the ocean—where there’s an absence of any form, but you’re simply in Samadhi, in Jnana, in meditation. While the Shiva Mahapurana encompasses numerous books, this brief extract is intended to stir contemplation about one’s true identity.


Consider this: if you can invert your perspective and begin to project yourself from that standpoint in your daily life, it will gradually transform the reality of who you are from moment to moment. As I often emphasize, it’s your state of being that shapes your circumstances, not the other way around.

This is a crucial aspect of your spiritual development, about progressively embracing your inner balance, transcending the persistent need for external stimulation or entertainment. This level of maturity stems from appreciating the frequency of inner peace, which is your eternal truth of life.


Cultivating Inner Peace and Radiating Blissful Frequencies: An Inside-Out Approach to Life

As you cultivate an inner focus and embrace your inner self, you’ll begin to shape your layer of earth energies and circumstances, yielding a more blissful frequency. Blissful frequencies from the outer intention will start to permeate your energy field via the heart space, radiating throughout your entire being. These frequencies foster an enhanced sense of joy throughout your journey, which is continuously expanding due to your expanding toroidal field.

Operating from this inside-out perspective enables you to radiate your own light as a frequency of peace and divine balance. Remember, your energy always communicates before you utter a word.

By integrating this inside-out perspective, you’ll be able to serve all life on earth and dissolve the bonds of illusion created by Maya. Remember, the thoughts you entertain carry more power than the words you utter, given that everything is energy. Cultivating a constant, silent stillness from this inside-out nature of your being will bring you immense benefits.

This practice will lead you to a deeper inner presence that extends outward. It requires great confidence to continually humble oneself—every day, every moment, every breath. Yet, it’s a remarkable state to be in, as you’ll naturally radiate a vibrant maturity that’s beautiful, loving, and invigorating to everyone you meet. Always remain humble, for we are all eternal students of the Infinite Consciousness. Om Namah Shivaya.



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