Introduction Greetings dear reader, Balance is essential to our existence. In times like these, where life feels delicate and fragile, we must ask ourselves: how are we coping with the current situation? Many of us are confined within our homes, spending time with...
Embracing the Divine Flow of Creativity: Surrendering, Setting Boundaries, and Unlocking Your Full Potential
Introduction Greetings dear reader. In this blog post I want to expand on a perspective about Creativity and express a few insights in hopes to shed a light to understanding it and how to harness it better. Creativity is not something that can be forced or mentally...
Solstice 2024: Embracing the Cosmic Shift
Introduction Greetings beloved reader, happy Solstice! Today, we're diving deep into what the solstice truly means and how it affects us. Let's embark on this journey together shall we? As the world basks in the arrival of the June 2024 solstice, it's important to...
The Awakening: A Journey into Reality Transurfing
Introduction Greetings beloved, In this blog post I want to call upon a concept that stems from Reality Transurfing, which unlike traditional manifestation techniques, emphasizes the importance of aligning with the natural flow of the universe rather than forcing...
Unlocking The Divine Within May
Introduction Greetings beloved reader! In this post, we're diving into the energies that everyone will be experiencing in the month of May and what to do to better navigate them. We'll be using the universal month number in numerology and my own intuitive...
April 8th Solar Eclipse: Insights and Preparations
Introduction Greetings beloved. As a solar eclipse approaches, many individuals find themselves at a crossroads of curiosity and confusion. What exactly should one do at the time of this astronomical event? The anxiety is palpable, with people pondering whether to...