"My Beloved Niva Shah. She is an eternal mother who Grace's us with boundless sovereign love. When I connect to her energetically, it is as if I am laying on a hammock of great fortune. A true mother gaurdian, her compassion swims as deep as the whales, her vision of life is of the greatest expression. Her work speaks of celebration of life's journey, the fairy god mother to many, if not us all. She sits at the top overwatching as her children play on abundant lands, never absent, she always hugs me energetically, she is the great mama, the great earth we stand on, she holds her memory, protector of her lineage, her colorful sparkles bring upliftment to any soul she encounters. I am truly forever changed because of Niva Shah. I have never felt a love so close yet so far, the mother in the middle of the temple you come to see to confess your sins, she listens, she forgives, she accepts all."