
April 8th Solar Eclipse: Insights and Preparations


Greetings beloved.

As a solar eclipse approaches, many individuals find themselves at a crossroads of curiosity and confusion. What exactly should one do at the time of this astronomical event? The anxiety is palpable, with people pondering whether to meditate or engage in other significant activities. This post will act as your guide to not only understanding how to harness the energy of the eclipse but also to navigate the transformative period it heralds with intention and creativity.

Being Pro-Active And Present In Reality

As we approach the experience of the April 8th solar eclipse, a time that can be likened to surfing a massive, 20-story tall tsunami, it’s crucial to equip ourselves with balance, grace, and navigational skills. This cosmic event is not just a celestial occasion; it’s a mirror to our inner landscapes and an opportunity to align with the grander workings of the sun’s influence on us, both physically and spiritually.

In preparation for the eclipse, we’re diving deep into our understanding of how our DNA is an expression of solar consciousness. Imagine your DNA as a living, toroidal energy field in tune with the sun’s vast heliosphere. In this way, the sun’s actions, such as coronal mass ejections, can influence every aspect of our behavior.

When we talk about being present in reality, we’re discussing how we emanate our own reality structures, how we also align with those already in existence, and wield a lateral influence on other organisms through our shared DNA. It’s the perfect starting point for the transformative passage we’ll embark upon during the eclipse.

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The upcoming solar eclipse serves as a pivotal bookend to a period that started with the previous eclipse on October 13, 2023, which cascaded across the American Southwest. This period is a window to plant seeds for the future and align with what truly matters to us. To simply “hunker down” or hide away in fear would be a disservice to the profound decision-making this moment necessitates.

It is a good idea to embraced a unique opportunity to experience the event in community, surrounded by like-minded individuals. Partaking in a simple and yet transformative sound bath during the eclipse’s peak, for example, can be an immersive experience that will take you into an expanded state of consciousness. And one can then arise from the sonic journey hours later, mind, body and spiritually refreshed, feeling as if they merely begun a marathon of spiritual and personal growth.

As we prepare for the next eclipse, I encourage you to steer clear of passivity and fear. Instead, actively move towards the life you envision for yourself, untethered by traumas from the past. Sure, some time grappling with the darker aspects of reality is necessary. Still, that should only be a minor portion of your journey. The main event is claiming the reality you yearn for.

Healing For Freedom

In these next days leading up to and after the eclipse, another fruitful endeavor would be to address any unresolved traumas. Imagine freeing yourself from the weight of these distressing experiences and soaring into new realms of possibility. Consider this time an unfilled canvas in your sketchbook of life where you have the artistic freedom to create a future unbound by yesterday’s pains.

Speaking of techniques to release trauma, you can make use of your breath to reclaim fragmented pieces of the self from emotional experiences, essentially rejuvenating and re-wholing oneself. This spiritual practice is exceptionally pertinent as we align with the upcoming eclipse and the broader ascension experience. If you need personal guidance on these techniques, don’t hesitate to contact me.

At this time, do not underestimate the importance of non-human companionship. For those who feel the need to take a moment alone, they can instead practice the love they share with their pets and the natural world that truly holds us together, particularly when reality feels questionable.

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Moving to some meditational practices that I teach and that we can all take, consider focusing on the cellular level. When cells are exposed to harmful waves of energy, even without your awareness and consent, they too can by themselves experience trauma, fracturing pieces of our very essence into places where they languish, unresolved. Through specific practices, we can envision selectively uniting disparate realms and retrieving those lost pieces of ourselves.

As we integrate these fragments back into ourselves, we do more than heal; we also dismantle the mechanisms that thrive on destabilizing us.

Take these insights not only as guidance for the eclipse but as continual energetic hygiene practices. Just as we brush our teeth daily, maintaining the integrity of our energy and personal boundaries requires consistency.

Stepping Up To Our Preferred Reality

As the eclipse draws near, focus on envisioning your ideal life. The eclipse is not only a moment in celestial time—it’s a portal for potent intention-setting. What you plant in your mind’s garden now, can flourish into the new reality you desire. Don’t let perfectionism deter you; start sketching in your life’s sketchbook, with the understanding that this art can evolve just as you do. Actively create the narratives you wish to experience, and be vivid in your imagination.

Considering for a moment that your life is a sketchbook, in this solar eclipse you’re presented with a pristine page. This is where your artistic expression comes into play. It’s a time to claim empowerment over your personal narrative – to design it with intent and heart.

Before and during the eclipse, it’s imperative to dedicate time to visualize your ideal life. Imagine it as planting seeds in the fertile soil of your mind, where the blossoms are the experiences you yearn for. Engage in this practice with clarity and vivid detail. Picture where you see yourself in the next few years, the life rhythms you wish to establish, and the types of activities that fill your days with joy.

Think about your community, society at large, and the changes you envision, such as economic shifts, improvements to our food systems, and advancements in health and healing. Cultivating a sense of purposefulness is key – striving for a meaningful existence that transcends mere commodification.

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Remember, this process is exploratory by nature, so don’t let fear of imperfection block your creative vision. It’s alright to annotate your dreams with the caveat that they are a work in progress, not set in stone, reminding the cosmos that your ideas are flexible and subject to evolution.

Manage Your Emotions Consciously

The power of the eclipse extends beyond personal growth. It offers a portal to align with or even create better realities, narratives, and potentials for our future. However, it’s crucial to approach this moment actively, focusing on what you truly desire rather than what you oppose.

It’s easy to become consumed by the fight against malevolence, but to catalyze real change, we must strive toward our aspirations for ourselves and for others. Once again, this doesn’t imply perfection is required, nor does it deny the possibility of future shifts in your path. What’s important is to take definitive steps towards the life you envision.

The Importance of Sunlight

For those residing in the northern hemisphere, the upcoming warmth invites us to bask in the sun’s rays, an act that’s both empowering and vital for our light bodies. Our connection to the sun should be nurtured — not just for the physical vitamin D but for the information, concepts, and energy structures it provides us, which are essential to our light body’s composition.

Engaging in practices like sungazing can help strengthen your relationship with our star and the cosmos at large, bolstering your light body through the absorption of solar energy and nourishment.

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Engagement with the Wider Cosmic Battles

Amid the positive practices, it’s important to note that not all universal energies align with our highest good. The eclipse’s powerful energy can attract disruptive actions too, such as conflict, rockets being fired or unusual experiments at places like CERN. It’s critical to stay aware and protected from chaotic forces that can threaten to derail your progress.

Know that chaotic or negative energy, while disorganized and arguably in its eleventh hour of influence, can still pose dangers. Those behind such energy can be likened to a kitchen-sink strategy — throwing everything at the wall in desperation. While their ability to create disorder may be straightforward, your goal to manifest a masterpiece of a life is a much loftier one that requires diligent attention and care.

A Time for Optimism and Empowerment

Approach the upcoming solar eclipse with optimism and well-placed hope. This event isn’t just another astronomical phenomenon; it’s a potent, cosmic gateway towards immense positive change. Remember, the energy of an eclipse is significant, but this particular one promises to be especially powerful, a supercharged opportunity for transformation and growth.

So, as we edge closer to this celestial occasion, stand firm in the belief that while chaos may swirl at the periphery, your focused intentions can lay the groundwork for a reality shaped by your deepest desires and efforts. It’s a time to rise above, strive for excellence, and embrace the victory we’ve been collectively moving towards.

“Sometimes, I think of the sun and the moon as lovers who rarely meet, always chase, and almost always miss one another. But once in awhile, they do catch up, and they kiss, and the world stares in awe of their eclipse.” – Unknown
Artwork by Harish Johari


In conclusion, while there may be disruptions and narratives of fear coming out from mainstream media, remember to ground yourself in spacious optimism. The April 8th eclipse holds the promise of greatness, another remarkable wave to surf in our continuing cosmic journey. Celebrate the unfolding potential within you, and let this eclipse catalyze a vision of your most empowered, love-filled future.

If you have any thoughts or questions leading up to this powerful occasion, I am here to engage and support your journey. Let’s ride this wave together with anticipation for the incredible shifts it heralds for each of us. As we witness the moon’s silhouette crossing the sun, we are each invited to embrace the openings of a world anew. Stay illuminated and engaged as we prepare for what the eclipse may bring! What an eclipse it will be, my fellow cosmic travelers—what an eclipse indeed!

Much love and blessings.


Niva Shah - artofinnerjoy

Hi, I’m Niva Shah and I am a Licensed and Authorized Reality-Transurfing Coach on a mission to fulfil your purpose of the WHO AM I, in genuine, authentic, self mastery and empowerment mentoring, so you too can fly freely and claim your birthright, because you matter in your own uniqueness.

As a creative self mastery alchemist, I’ve built self-expression and leadership courses that you can find here, by road mapping your self-empowerment and freedom of being to be in line with your authentic and intimate connection with your soul.

You can also reach me for personalized Energy Transmissions and Guided Breathwork Sessions. Schedule your appointment with me here.





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